As we entered, we read Acts 10:1-7, 44-48. Then we entered the Roman theater:

Julie Sellers sang a little on the stage to demonstrate the acoustics in the place:

We read from Acts 12:20-25, looking on the likely spot of these verses' occurence, the dais on which Herod sat on his throne, in the center of the theater's seats:

A short walk took us to the site of Herod's palace, where we read Acts 25:1-6 and 26:24-32:

We marveled at the impressive rock-dug swimming pool for the palace:

And the circus, the replica of the Pontius Pilate inscription, and the remains of the manmade harbor Herod created.
From there we went next to the Roman aqueduct, striking in its accomplishment and in its preservation:

After Caesarea, we rode to our next stop, the model archaeological dig of all time, Megiddo:

Nader pointed out the Canaanite gate and, a little higher up on the path, the Solomonic gate.
We went by the grain silo, the stables, and the chariot:

We looked out over the inexpressibly vast plain of Armageddon as we read 1 Kings 9:15 and Revelation 14:14-20, and 16:12-16:

The climax of our visit, as usual, was the trek down 183 steps through the ancient water system...and out the base of the tell....and our day wasn't even half finished when we say down for lunch at the cafeteria at Megiddo!
(more to follow in next post)
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