The best room--and the best location--was at the Royal Plaza in Tiberias. The location, of course, overlooked the Sea of Galilee (though our Cairo hotel was a mere three miles from the pyramids):

And our room had a jacuzzi... though we were too tired to use it.
The best amenities and the best meals were at the Pyramids Park Resort Hotel in Cairo:

The Olive Tree hotel in Jerusalem, being walking distance from the Damascus Gate, also had a fine location. And I couldn't help but miss its yogurt and granola at the other hotels. And none of the other hotels boasts an old olive tree in its atrium:

Our hotel in Jordan--the Regency Palace--had the distinction of being the hotel we checked into and out of three different times!
The staff in all five hotels was excellent--very polite, very eager to please.
But the most memorable stay of the whole trip was the overnight train from Cairo to Luxor:

But the biggest surprise of the whole trip? The fact that the Steigenberger Nile Palace in Luxor blew all the others out of the water! THIS was the view from our private balcony:

(That's the Nile in the background). And this was the last of the sunset we saw from the hotel terrace:

And the food? And the amenities? Better than all the rest.
So the gold medal goes to Steigenberger. But all were a pleasure.
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