47. Trains. My grandson Miles loves trains. So one of the things I like about living in the Oxford-Hamilton-Cincinnati metroplex is the numerous options for train-lovers. There's the annual holiday display of hobbyist Ned Hoelzer on Rt. 27 south of Oxford, covering 4,800 square feet and featuring a mile of tracks, 43 trains and 1,500 buildings in a giant room over his garage. There's the permanent display at the Museum Center in the old Union Terminal building. There's EnterTrainment Junction off Tylersville Road in Cincinnati (right). There's the Duke Energy Holiday Train Display, dating back 65 years, in the Duke Energy (formerly CG&E)building in downtown Cincinnati. AND the
Shandon and Okeana Railroad, a private railroad club (but I've got connections). In addition, there are several actual tourist trains in the area (Hocking Hills, Connersville Indiana, etc.) that I hope someday to take the little man to.
Ned Hoelzer! My oldest and youngest sons were both train afficionados (older one for much longer span). Ned's display is on an old video we have. Ah, what fun I had taking Bryce to many train venues.