Americano Burger Bar, Cincinnati OH

Last Thursday, the lovely Robin and I tried a new restaurant less than two blocks from the Cincinnati Shakespeare Company theater, where we were going to see a show: Americano Burger Bar.
We arrived at a few minutes past six o'clock and were seated immediately. Our personable server arrived within a couple minutes to take our order. We did something we almost never do: ordered the same thing, the "Queen City" burger and fries. They serve more than burgers and fries, but that's what we wanted.
The food was delicious, served piping hot. Robin noted that the fry cooks (the small kitchen was fully visible from our seats) wore hats but no nets or anything on their beards--and they were all amply bearded. She managed to shake it off, more or less.
The men's room was clean. Though I didn't need a whole beer keg to take care of business. 

Americano Burger Bar is located at 545 Race Street in downtown Cincinnati. 

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