After a morning of sippin' coffee and enjoying the view from our balcony, eating pancakes with the whole fam, and watching our kids pack for their trip home, we headed to the playground here on the resort.

It was one last hurrah for the grandkids (well, all but five-month-old Ryder; he abstained).

They climbed and slid and hung on everything that could be climbed or slid on or hung from.

Cousins Calleigh and Mia, who are nine months apart in age, seem more like sisters every day (when one got out of bed this week, she instantly asked for the other).

I'm glad they got a little time on this playground, at least. And they probably worked themselves up and wore themselves out enough that they'll sleep a good deal of the ride home this afternoon. Except for Ryder, maybe. He marches to a different beat.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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