Each time the lovely Robin and I vacation in the Gatlinburg area, we try to take in one of the many live shows there are to choose from. Previous experiences have ranged from the truly awful (we would've asked for our money back if we didn't pity everyone concerned) to the fun if not fantastic.

Tonight we chose the Hatfield and McCoy Dinner Show, in its second season, and we were very pleasantly surprised.

The repast was quickly served, and it was well presented and quite tasty. While the portions were not overly generous (by American standards), they were ample and completely satisfying without tempting us to over-indulge.

But the show was the pleasantest of surprises. The music was top notch--not only guitar, banjo, fiddle, and upright bass, all very expertly played--but also spoons, washboard, and more. Young men and women supplied mesmerizing "fancy footing," and some of the harmonies (especially on "Down to the River to Pray") were outstanding. And though I am SO not a fan of yodeling, I even found its occasional insertion into the music delightful.
The large cast earned my admiration and appreciation, and I recommend the show to all visitors to the area.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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