Among the many highlights of my recent sojourn in Spokane, Washington, was the Tuesday evening dinner I enjoyed at
Luigi's Italian Restaurant with Majors Doug and Sheryl Tollerud (below), the new divisional leaders of The Salvation Army's Northwest Division.

Luigi's is unique in that it occupies the former Spokane Corps of The Salvation Army, and the interior is decorated with many old black-and-white photos of the building decades ago, such as this one (below):

The food was absolutely wonderful, and the ambience just right.

The exterior still bears the red shield as part of the decor, as seen below:

Luigi's is located at 245 W. Main in Spokane, and is open every day of the week. I recommend it!
By the way, that van in the B&W photo above looks to be the ubiquitous Greenbrier, which in my childhood was used as a synonym for "van."