Thanks to the prodding and trouble of a faithful friend, I was able to spend the last few days in silence and solitude once again, at the Abbey of Gethsemani, in Trappist, Kentucky (don't laugh, it's a real place!), one of my favorite spots on earth.

I expected to stay for the first time in the monastic wing, where the rooms do not have private bathrooms. But it turned out that there were enough no-shows that I was not only accommodated in the Guest House, but had the most commodious (pun intended) bathroom ever in all my stays at the Abbey.
While I was there, an inch or two of snow fell.

Someone PLEASE remind me that my spirit NEEDS this Sabbath much more frequently than I've been taking it the last three years (during which my retreats have been roughly 16 months apart).
If you want to know more about the abbey (Thomas Merton's monastery, by the way; he's buried there, and at least one of his fellow monks who knew him still live there), visit No kidding. The monks have a website.
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