After about 45 minutes, we made it to Mount Nebo, where we read the last chapter if Deuteronomy together, and shared the view Moses had of the Promised Land before his death:

Clearly visible were the Dead Sea, the Jordan, Jericho, Jerusalem, and Bethlehem.
There on the mount was this sculpture combining the staff of Moses and the serpent in the wilderness:

Though access to the area is no longer permitted, there are remains of four successive churches on the site, which I photographed from a distance:

The excavation of these churches have yielded some of the most magnificent mosaics ever discovered, of which this is just a small detail:

After Mount Nebo, we stopped at a mosaic school/factory/store started several years ago to revive and carry on the ancient tradition if this area:

Around noon we headed down the long, winding road from Mt. Nebo to the Jordan, the border between Jordan and Israel.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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