More Mount Zion and More

As mentioned in the previous post, St. Peter in Gallicantu is one of the most beautiful churches you'll ever see:

It is on the likely site of Caiaphas's house where Jesus was imprisoned (and later his apostles), and where Peter, in Caiaphas's courtyard, denied Jesus:

The amazing door, crafted by a Jewish, Christian, and Muslim artist, depicts the moment when Jesus tells Peter he will deny the Lord. The finger of Jesus, in relief, not only points to Peter...but also to the person approaching the church.

The first chapel, on the site of Caiaphas's palace, is utterly magnificent:

And the stained glass design if the dome overhead, likewise:

A staircase descends to another chapel, on the site of the courtyard, where Peter denied Jesus, and some of the courtyard pavement is preserved and incorporated in the floor's design:

And then our journey took us to the prison where Peter and John were likely kept, and further down into the pit, where Jesus was held the night of his trial:

We read Psalm 88, the messianic psalm associated with this night in Jesus' life.

Then we went outside to the Roman steps on which Jesus would have walked from the Upper Room to the Mount of Olives...and back again, the second time, under arrest.

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