Toward the end of every year, I spend some time planning. Some people make New Year's resolutions, I use that occasion to revisit my one-year, two-year, three-year, and lifetime plans.
Almost two years ago, I realized that some of my lifetime plans were getting more unlikely the older I got. So I determined to track out what a realistic timetable would be for the accomplishment of some of the more challenging plans. I had to eliminate only a few (like hiking the Appalachian Trail from beginning to end; even doing it a week or two at a time, it's just not gonna happen, as I've only hiked about a half dozen miles of it to date, and it's over 2,000 miles long).
But with some careful planning, praying, and saving, I do think it's possible (if I don't die before my 70th birthday) to see these twenty places before I die:

1. Petra. A long-time desire will be fulfilled when the lovely Robin and I (and a group of twenty others) begin our 2010 tour of the Middle East in January with a visit to Petra, the ancient capital of the Nabateans, in present-day Jordan.

2. Israel. In a little over two months, I will be singing the words of David, "Our feet are standing in your gates, O Jerusalem" (Psalm 122:2). I can't wait. There is no city like the city of our God, the mountain of his holiness. And there is no land like Israel, the land of Jesus and the prophets and the patriarchs. It will be our fourth trip to this awesome place.
3. Cairo and the Pyramids. Our January/February trip to the Middle East will include a weeklong extension to Egypt. I'm so excited!

4. The Nile, and Luxor. We will see these ancient sights in February 2010.

5. Germany. Due to a speaking invitation, we'll be able to journey to Germany next year, and do a little touring before or after.
(To be continued tomorrow)
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