Because I'm a guest of honor (one of 30 or so) at BookFest in Hamilton today, I made it to my first ever IceFest, Hamilton's annual, er, ice festival (thus the name).

It's a little warmer than the event's organizers would like, but the sculptures aren't melting too fast, and the crowd is enjoying the pleasant temperatures, for sure.

Sculptors are working away in a dozen or so tents, creating still more sculptures to add to the many that already line the sidewalks and walls around the Butler County Courthouse.

Various area businesses have sponsored ice sculptures, like the ice throne (above), compliments of Rose Automotive.
It looks to me like a raging success, though I have no idea if the crowds are as large as expected. But it's been a lot of fun.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:High St,Hamilton,United States
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