After a pleasant ten-hour drive (no, really) I arrived tonight in Montrose, Pennsylvania, for the annual Montrose Christian Writers Conference.

The conference is held every year on the grounds of Montrose Bible Conference, which began in the first years of the twentieth century by R. A. Torrey (that's the Torrey Home, now used for conference purposes, above).

Montrose is a unique place, and an appealing venue for a conference.

After checking into my room and freshening up (which for me consists of mainly looking in the mirror and deciding there are some things that are beyond hope), I headed to the chapel in Dreyer Hall (above and below) for the opening session.

Author Jennifer Sands, the speaker for tonight, did a marvelous job. Afterward, the faculty gathered for the annual dessert at the gorgeous Victorian home of conference director Patti .
So here I am, for the week. I hope to post more this week... between all the speaking and meetings and work of the week.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Locust St,Montrose,United States