The lovely Robin and I had the sweet experience of taking our four grandchildren cherry picking on Old Mission Peninsula, in Michigan, while their parents toured an Old Mission Peninsula vineyard and winery.

The trees were laden with a couple varieties of cherries, and an ample supply was available on branches low enough for a three-year-old, four-year-old, and six-year-old to pick a whole lot.

We were told that we would be paying $2 a pound, and a minimum of five pounds. I wanted to make sure we got at least what we were gonna have to pay for. So, of course, we picked thirteen pounds of cherries.

And, of course, that's not counting the few that we sampled as we worked.

The eighty-degree heat tired us out after a while, or we may have picked twenty pounds or more.

What a wonderful way to spend part of our last afternoon on the peninsula. The kids were so proud of their hard work--and the fruits (get it?) of their labor. So were the lovely Robin and I.
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